Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This is Why You're Fat*

During the last few weeks, my mid-winter depression has really set in. Even though there have been a few days of sunshine and warm temperatures, my mind only registers the dull overcast skies and windchill that threatens to quickly decimate any skin left foolishly uncovered. The dip in my mood also unsurprisingly corresponds directly to the amount of homework I have piling up; in the next two weeks I need to write 4 essays and read around 1000 pages of challenging academic writing. In the face of all this, I spent my evening procrastinating like any good university student. The product: Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies!

I found the recipe a few weeks ago while mindlessly surfing the web and saved it in my favourites for a day when my sweet tooth went into overdrive. They were quite easy to make, but they made for some gigantic cookies. Normally, when I stick my hand into the cookie jar I come out with 2 or 3 cookies, but just one of these delicious concoctions filled me right up. This is probably a good thing, since the nutritional information for the Double Stuf Oreos I used as fillings says that 2 small cookies are worth 160 calories and 31% of your daily recommended intake of fat. Adding that to the amount of fat present in the recipe for chocolate chip cookies and you pretty much have a convenient heart attack in a hand.

One cookie makes for a pretty good dessert, especially when it's washed down with a large glass of milk. If you can ignore the sharp twinges of protest coming from your arteries like I can, you may even be able to eat two.

*This recipe didn't actually come from This is Why Your Fat, but I'm sure it's on there somewhere

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